For You Elaine


If the sky above seems cloudy
And you are left out in the rain
If you are searching for a rainbow
But the colors bring you pain...

If your world is not revolving
And there is no end in sight
If you are looking for the sunshine
But all you see is night...

If all around are smiling
But all you can do is frown
If you are tired of all this living
When life just brings you down ...

Then look beyond your teardrops
At the wonders of this land
The beauty of a flower
Like velvet in your hand ....

Feel the air around you
The smell of new mown hay
Laughing children in the park
The innocence there at play .....

Imagine floating with a butterfly
As she flutters between the trees
Or the whispers of the ocean
On warm hot summer's breeze ...

Think of the taste of candy floss
As it melts upon your tongue
Or the melody of morning birds
As they greet each day with song ....

Remember words of beauty
Told in your mother's embrace
Feel the gentleness of her touch
As she softly kissed your face ....

Seek the good within you
Cast the clouds from your sky
Don't look toward the pavement
But hold your head up high ....

Think not what life owes you
But of all you have to give
Forget about tomorrow
Then you can start to live ....

So Bless this age your are living in
With the gifts you can bestow
Don't disregard the stream of life
Go gently with the flow~
Author Unknown To Me

"Peace comes within the souls of men,
when they realize their oneness with the Universe,
when they realize it is really everywhere...
it is within each one of us."
Black Elk, Lakota Medicine Man

Wisdom, Knowledge and

Great Spirit Grandfather,
I send these words to you,
Hear my prayer.
For these are my words,

To Father Sun,

To Grandmother Moon,

To Mother Earth

To all my relations,
That have been Created as I.
To the Four Winds,
That bring us the
Seasons of Life.

To the East
Where Father Sun rises
Bringing to us a new day
A new meaning of life,
A light in which to see
The path before us.

To the South
Where the warm air comes to us
Bringing heat and warmth,
The seasons of spring
And summer.

To the West
Where Father Sun goes
To bring to us darkness,
So as we may see the universe
And search for the questions
Of our life.

To the North
Where the cold winds come from
Bringing to us the seasons
Of fall and winter.

Oh Great Spirit
Hear my words
For to you I offer
My heart and soul
You made me
What I am
And I am Indian
America's Prisoners of War
I pray for my people of the past
Whose blood covers this our Mother Earth
I pray now as an Indian
Blood of my Ancestors.

Great Spirit Grandfather,
Look down upon
Your people,
For we are humble
Before you.
We seek your guidance,
So that we your people
May walk forever
In a proud manner
Before you.

Great Spirit Grandfather,
You gave your people
The breath of life,
So that we may live
With dignity and pride,
To always know
And understand
That life was meant for us
Your most humble
Traditional people,
And all that
Was Created
And given
The breath of life.

Great Spirit Grandfather,
Let my heart
Soul and mind
Be always strong with
Wisdom, knowledge
And Understanding.

Great Spirit Grandfather
Hear my words
For wisdom
So that I may open
My eyes and
See all that
Is good around me.

Great Spirit Grandfather
Hear my words
For wisdom
So that I may open my ears
And hear all that is good
Around me.
For I am humble
Before you.
I seek the strength
To continue on this path
That I travel on before you
In a most Sacred manner.

Great Spirit Grandfather
Hear my words
For they are words
That come from the
Heart, soul and mind,
And are filled with
Wisdom, knowledge and

Great Spirit Grandfather
My words are for you
To know and understand
That in a most Sacred manner
I honor and respect
The life you have put before me,
I seek the strength
To forever continue
Upon this Sacred path.

Great Spirit Grandfather
Upon the four winds
Are my words for strength
For they come from the
Heart, soul and mind
Words I send to you
In a Sacred manner.

Great Spirit Grandfather
Let all The wisdom,
knowledge and understanding
Be my strength
To continue on this path
That I travel on before you
As a Traditional Native American Indian,
Now and forever.

by Larry Kibby

Thank You Elaine, for Your Friendship
Your Time, Your Laughter
For As You Say Every Day,
For Just Being YOU!


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To visit Mr. Peter's site: Henri Peter Art

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Used with permission and is Copyright © Elan Michael